пятница, 16 мая 2014 г.

Эскизы к фильму "W.E."

Эскизы к фильму "W.E."

Кто-то смотрел фильм Мадонны о герцоге Виндзорском и Уоллис Симпсон?
Меня как-то дернуло посмотреть ее другой фильмец. Тот, в котором она с мужиком попала на необитаемый остров. Видела только кусок, но бяка редкостная. Поэтому смотреть ее "W.E." не тянет.
Но эскизы к фильму симпатичные.

воскресенье, 4 мая 2014 г.

Читаем вместе. Люси Мод Монтгомери - Аня из Зеленых Мезонинов ( Глава 2)

It was a pretty road, running along between snug farmsteads, with now and again a bit of balsamy fir wood to drive through or a hollow where wild plums hung out their filmy bloom. 
balsamy fir - пихта бальзамическая. В переводе душистая смолистая пихта.

She was sitting there waiting for something or somebody and, since sitting and waiting was the only thing to do just then, she sat and waited with all her might and main.

with might and main - with all the vigor, force, or energy at one's command

понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.

Дебютный роман. Katherine Bone

Дебютный роман Katherine Bone

Constance Danbury is fleeing an arranged marriage to lecherous Lord Burton, a man who has blackmailed her father and is nearly twice her age. Her escape takes her aboard a merchantman bound for Spain, where she hopes an aunt will help her procure funds to save her father’s dwindling reputation. But fate intervenes. Constance is captured by a pirate with a wit and stubbornness to match her own, and a secret he’ll do anything to keep.
Nobleman Percival Avery is a member of Nelson’s Tea, an elite group whose members are first sons from every tier in society. Undercover, he disguises himself as a pirate to infiltrate the gang of cutthroats responsible for his sister’s death. But when his vessel attacks a merchantman with valuable cargo, Percy is forced to choose between vengeance and saving the life of his commander’s niece, Constance Danbury. Mutiny is sure to obliterate his well-laid plans. It also aligns him with the one woman sure to see through his disguise. Forced to play the fop by day to outwit his enemies, he masquerades as a rogue by night in order to avenge his sister’s death – and to win his true love’s heart.

суббота, 26 апреля 2014 г.

Читаем вместе. Люси Мод Монтгомери - Аня из Зеленых Мезонинов

Новая рубрика - "Читаем вместе".
Предлагаю вместе почитать книгу, которая прошла мимо меня в детстве. Я в те годы читала книги наподобие "Дети подземелья" и "Тимур и его команда". Справедливости ради замечу, что Тимура я любила (в отличие от детей).
Начну с "Аня из Зеленых Мезонинов". Оригинал и перевод  (Батищева М.)
Читаем чисто в ознакомительных целях и наслаждаемся. Только все самое интересное.

Во-первых, название.
A gable is the triangle formed by a sloping roof. A building may be front-gabled or side-gabled. Some houses are cross-gabled--They have gables both on the front and on the side. Porches and dormers may also be gabled.
 В переводе на русский - щипе́ц.

Мезони́н (итал. mezzanino — «промежуточный», которое идет к греческому «мезос» — «средний»), надстрой, вышка, полуярус, полужилье — надстройка над средней частью жилого дома, часто имеет балкон.

Новости недели №116

Еще одна новинка от Норы Робертс изданная под псевдонимом Дж.Д. Робб. Ждем в сентябре.

Августовская новинка Лорейн Хит. Второй роман в серии Scandalous Gentlemen of St. James

Born to the street but raised within the aristocracy, Drake Darling can’t escape his sordid beginnings. Not when Lady Ophelia Lyttleton snubs him at every turn, a constant reminder he’s not truly one of them. But after rescuing her from a mysterious drowning he realizes she doesn’t remember who she is. With plans to bring her to heel, he insists she’s his housekeeper-never expecting to fall for the charming beauty.
While Ophelia might not recall her life before Drake, she has little doubt she belongs with him. The desire she feels for her dark, brooding employer can’t be denied, regardless of consequences. So when her memory returns, she is devastated by the depth of his betrayal. Now Drake must risk everything to prove she can trust this rogue with her heart once more.

 Переиздание новеллы Джены Шоуолтер

Tall, lean, muscular—and definitely rough around the edges—Sean Walker is not your typical nightclub bodyguard. He’s a controller of shadows, able to wield darkness at will. But when a mysterious woman at the club turns out to have powers greater than his own, he has no choice but seduction…

вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г.

Книжные двойники №8

Вы бы знали, как я долго искала эту обложку. Но точно помнила, что где-то эту девушку я уже видела.
Потратила полвечера, но все-таки нашла.

понедельник, 21 апреля 2014 г.

Дебютный роман. Amara Royce

Дебютный роман Amara Royce
Honoria Duchamp is well aware that men often consider widows easy prey for the role of mistress. What else could explain the attentions of handsome Lord Devin, and his visits to her bookshop? The much younger Viscount has even shown interest in the printing press with which she creates pamphlets on London's basest injustices. Yet his chief interest appears to be in her. . .
Coerced to investigate Nora's controversial pamphlets, Devin expected to find a bookish matron. Instead, he is taken with Nora's womanly beauty, sharp intellect, and quick wit. Soon, what begins as an unwelcome task becomes a pleasure, and Devin's job becomes more dangerous-for them both. For Nora has no idea of the vicious element she's crossed. Now Devin will risk his reputation to protect her-and much more to win her love. . .

воскресенье, 20 апреля 2014 г.

Новости. 2013 Reviewers' Choice (прод.)

Лучшие книги 2013 года по версии редакторов

Лучший современный роман 2013

Лучший паранормальный роман 2013


Лучший саспенс
Лучший научно-фантастический роман/ фэнтези